Triton : “The Hidden Heaven On Earth”

The Wonderful Place

Triton Bay is a new tourism potential located in Papua. As we already know, West Papua is famous for its tourist objects, for example Raja Ampat that’s famous for the beautiful underwater scenery. Triton Bay is located in Kaimana Regency, West Papua Province (around 40km southesast from Kaimana City). This place is known for its underwater beauty and cultural heritage.

This place is still rarely visited by people. So, this is the best place for meditiation because it has a calm atmosphere make you want  to be here forever. Triton Bay can indeed be called the paradise of Papua. Because, all people will enjy what is presents here. Researchers can examine how marine live here, divers can hunt for the whole new underwater ecosystem, photographer can take a lot of b eautifu nature shoot, or maybe you can just sit and play on the beach while enjoying the scenery and the fresh air.

Like I’ve said before, no wonders why a lot of researchers want to come all the way to Papua just to see Triton, it’s because Triton has 937 species of fish, 471 species of corals, 27 species of lobter shrimps, 16 species of green turtles, whale sharks that are rarely founded, and many more. There are even some species that can only be found in Kaimana. That’s why they called it “The Fish Empire”.

You can also find historical paintings on cliff, one of the popular one is MaiMai cliff. But we still don’t know the meaning of the painting yet. This historical painting is displayed along 1 km on the cliff wall, make it looks like a gallery of nature. The local people call it ancient painting. The cliff is pretty difficult to reach because it’s located 10 meters above the sea level. After enjoying and exploring the beautiful scenery of Triton.

 You can relax and take a rest at white sand beach, eating grilled fish and drink coconut. Imagine after a long day diving or swimming on the ocean, you closed the trip by having dinner while watching the Kaimana’s famous orange sunset, when the sun comes down, the light reflected on the seawater, the sky turns orange, and enjoy the breeze. What a breath-taking scene…

To get here, you need to spend more money. You have to get here to by plane, we take big plane to go to Papua, and after that we need to take small plane for only 30 people to get to Kaimana. After that, we can go to Triton by speedboat or longboat. For acommodation there are some hotels at kaimana city, but if you want to spend less money, you can blend in with local people and stay at their place.

The presentation


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