Asking & Giving Opinion : What do you think?

 Visiting an Art Gallery

Indra: Thank you so much for taking me to this art gallery I've never been to a place like this before

Tiffany: Oh really? Art gallery is the best place to refresh your mind especially because I really love painting. Picasso is my favorite artist

Indra: What make's you like his piece? 

Tiffany: Simple, I think he has a really unique sense in art and it's just really satisfying to see. Come on! I'll take you to look around

Tiffany: This is my favorite painting of Picasso, what do you think?

Indra: Hmm from what I can see this painting has the picture of  ungeometrical woman's face, I like the color it's really rustic and pop out

Tiffany: Well you're right, this art called weeping woman as you can see the woman is praying and teardrops are dripping out of her eyes. Let's head to the next art.

Indra: I know this one! It's Monalisa

Tiffany: Yes it is an art piece from a famous painter also, Lenardo Da Vinci

Indra: I really like how he brought the emotion of the woman to this painting I like her smile it so calming, like a mother. Don't you think so?

Tiffany: I dont think so, actually some people say that this woman isn't really smiling. She's not happy in this painting, some said she's forcing her smile because she just lost her daughter

Indra: Ohh, not really a good thing to hear

Tiffany: Lets go! there's still so much to explore

Indra: Woah ! I think I found what style I like in art. I totally amazed by this painting.

Tiffany: ANd you know what? This piece was painted by Indonesia artist, Affandi. Cool right?

Indra: Yes it's very cool, I'm proud Indonesia has such a great artist like him

Tiffany: Yeah me too


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