


Chika                    : Hi Guys! I’m Chiquita Eleora
Odiv                     : I’m Reydivaswara Rahmarsha
Chika & Odiv      : And We’re from X Science 4
Chika                    : Today We’re going to make a video about congratulating someone
Odiv                     : Enjoy the video


Odiv                     : Hi Chika!
Chika                    : Hi Odiv!
Odiv                     : Long time no see, I haven’t seen you much lately
Chika                    : Yeah I’ve been pretty busy nowadays, how about you?
Odiv                     : I’m good, but I’m so tired, I have so many school tasks, and I have science                   competition to prepared
Chika                    : Ahh, I feel bad for your business
Odiv                     : Oh! By the way I heard you just won a math competition
Chika                    : How can you know that? Is it that popular that I just won a competition?
Odiv                     : Everyone knows about it, I’m so proud of you, congratulation Chika!
Chika                    : Thank You so much, I can’t believe I won that competition too
Odiv                     : Sooo, Ms.Math winner can you give me any tips?
Chika                    : Well, that’s not much that I can give. But there’s one thing that you need to know        if you want to win a competition. That is studying literally everyday and                        everynight
Odiv                     : Ah, that’s sounds hard, I can’t do that
Chika                    : It’s okay you will be fine, it’s hard for me too at the beginning. But you will pass        through it well, I know you can do it!
Odiv                     : Thank You Chika
Chika                    : You’re Welcome, by the way I need to leave, Bye!
Odiv                     : Bye!


Chika                    : Hope You enjoy the video
Odiv                     : Thank You for watching
Chika & Odiv      : Byeee


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