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- Story In The Rain -

The sky is cloudy, but it doesn't stop Cecilia to get to the boutique and buy the limited edition bag collection before everything's sold by other people

Mom : Cecilia, I think it's about to rain soon, I think its better for you to go to the boutique tomorrow because I think heavy r ain will coming.

Cecilia: No mom, I've been waiting for the launching of this bag for 6 months, I've been saving my pocket money and I want waste the chance to be one of the 10 lucky people to get the this limited collection bag. There's no time to argue, I dont wanna be late, I'm leaving mom, Bye!

Mom; Okay, but it's better for you to bring your umbrella, or else you will be soaked in rain water!

Cecilia: There's no need, dont worry! I will be home before the rain starts to drop it's water!

On her way to the boutique

Cecilia: Oh no! I'm in big trouble, the rain will come in a second, what should i do?

As expected, the rain comes heavily after the thunder, and now Cecilia can't continue her way to the boutique

Cecilia: Oh God, what should I do now? The rain wont stop in anytime near, I will never make it to the store and bought the handbag that I've been dreaming of.

Cecilia just stand there infront of a closed store to avoid the rain, standing there alone, hoping there's miracle that will give her some help.
She's about to cry, until suddenly...

Man: Hello young lady, are you okay?

Cecilia: I'm not, I really need to get to the boutique before the bag I want sold out

Man: Ooo I see. Here, I brought extra umbrella maybe you'll need this, you can take it

Cecilia: Really? That's very kind of you, thankyou so much, you're my savior today!

Man: Your welcome, Im leaving now, you're okay right? Bye

Cecilia: Bye, yes everything's good now. Thankyou so much for you kindness sir!

And with the help of the umbrella that the man gave to her, now Cecilia can continue her way to the boutique to bought the limited edition bag that she has been wanting for 6 months. She will never forget to bring umbrella again when its rain season.


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