(Movie Reviews) A Must Watch!

 Crazy Rich Asians

Talking about romance there are two tons of story that couples around the world can make. So do Rachel Yu and Nick Young.They are the cast of an award winning movie, Crazy Rich Asians. The movie was adopted from a novel with the same title by Kevin Kwan , a 2018 American Romance-Comedy movie directed by John M Cu.Crazy Rich Asians premiered on August 7008 at the TCL Chinese theater in Los Angeles and was released theatrically in the United States on August 15, 2018 by Warner Bros picture.Thanks to the amazing plot and the acting of the actor and actress making it the The highest grossing romantic comedy movie of the 2010s and receive tons of praise for the performances screenplay and a product design

I'm a big movieholic, I watch Every movie that premiered in cinema I watch every genre exist and Basically scoring them. Just got to be honest at first I actually think that this movie is over hype and have a pretty low expectation on it. Plus because the title says it's a romance-comedy movie, I didn't think that the movie will be that funny since I have a pretty picky humor sense.But unexpectedly I'm telling you guys that this movie is the best romance movie that I ever watch! The asian story making it more relatable to me.

The setting starts with a regular asian couple that live in the US, Rachel Chu and Nick Young. Rachel Chu work as an economic professor at New York University. All years long Rachel Chu thought that he's boyfriend Nick Young is a regular Singaporean boy who lives in US until they got an invitation of Nick's cousin wedding at Singapore. Starting with the first class airplane, right they arrive at the airport Rachel was shocked because she got the special treatment from the airline that pick her luggage at the lobby all the way to the plane. The story continue when Nick finally  revealed that he actually comes from a super wealthy real estate family in Singapore. No to mention The Richest and The Most Influential Asian Family.

"Theese people aren't just rich, They're Crazy Rich"

Rachel's shockness continue when she met Nick's conglomerate family at the dinner. Entering the door of the house is like a brand new world for Rachel. She never been into such a fancy family gathering before making her seems awkward and quickly being judged by Nick's family. Except for Nick's best cousin, an elegant big heart Madame likely, Astrid.

The conflict starts when Nick's family rejected Rachel's pressence, and didn't give perimission to their relationship. Especially Nick's grandma, the lady whose in charge for everything. Not only that, the perfect lady, Astrid also has her own household problem. Everythings heated up, until they finally got a turning point in the family and ending everything with happiness.

It's such a new experiment for me to watch a movie like this. As an Asian I can clearly understand the reason behind all the conflicts that happened. I find this movie more relatable because of the sam culture Asian have. Overall this movie is great and worth the hype, the comedy is funny, and the story was delivered well. If you have some spare time, I highly recoomend you to watch this movie with your family.

"You will never be ENOUGH"

Here's for the trailer!


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