What I Plan To Be (My Ambition)


University Of Indonesia, UI, or sometimes people call it Universitas Impian as a joke to replace the word "UI". Same like many students out there, I have a dream to study here, specifically, medical major.

To be honest since kid I never dreamt to become a doctor, all the time I always want to work in diplomacy world or law, I used to always wanted to take International Relation Major in University, work in foreign goverment and be a diplomat. Even until now, I find it very interesting to talk about world issues, meeting people across the world, discussing things and exchanging information, isn't that sounds good? 

But ever since late junior high school, my parents espescially my dad, always telling me to pursue a carrer i medical. Well.. typical asian parents, always want their kids to be a doctor. I never want to be a doctor before, I always refused it when my parents started to talk about it. But, I dont know exactly when it happened, now I can't think of anything else than be a doctor. I try to work my best to fulfill that dream of mine.

I realised that even tho it's a hard way to walk, the long time study, I know it will be stressful. Imagine how happy I will be when one time I can save people's life, you can help curing people, what a noble job. I love helping people, seeing their smile when they're finally can get rid of they're struggle. That's nice to see, and now there's no way to turning back and quitting this dream of mine.

Of course it's hard, everybody knows that it's not easy to enter medical major. There are tons of people who want to take the same path career, but this doesnt mean giving up. I got my parents support, all I need now is just to take the courage and convincing my self that I can do this and I will make it there!

Also don't forget to pray, because no matter how hard you try if God doesn't say Yes, that it won't happened. In my religion there's a verse said "Ora et Labora" means Work Hard Pray Hard.

That's it, hopefully all of us can achieve our dream and finally meeting again at the top!


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